Aloha Friends,
THANK YOU RALLY AT ALA MOANA BEACH PARK - saturday, feb. 29, 10am
Please meet at Keyhole (Area 21) to celebrate AMBP! There will be music, free shirts, latest info, and booth to sign our Thank You Posters to the City Council who unanimously voted OUT the dog park, playground, and mauka perpendicular parking. Previously, they had created a law that took out widening the sidewalk for a shared use path. The City had heard our voices to KEEP the Makai parallel parking and took out the proposal to get rid of it as well. We will have live music and City Council Members will be coming by to say a few words from 10 am. They have helped us for over 5 years to keep Ala Moana Beach Park for the People of Hawaii---come down and help us thank them. We also thank ALL of you for continuing to give us your input and support in making our collective concerns heard!