Makai Pathway Proposal

Proposed action: “Widening the shared-use path along the makai side of Ala Moana Park Drive” (DEIS & SDEIS)

The proposal was rejected by the local community in four public forums that took place in March 2015, April 2016, January 2018, and August 2018. The local community have repeatedly stressed that the City and County preserve the local character of the park and restrain from upscaling the park with modern design and added structures.

Why we should keep the makai pathway as is:

  • The design of the existing pathway is balanced with natural sources (grass and trees) and the concrete pathway for beach park users to enjoy their recreational activities

  • The makai grassy strip (along the makai pathway) is a local gathering place where families set up their tents, picnic, and BBQ

  • The existing pathway already satisfies the beach park users’ needs and supports the pedestrian traffic

  • The existing pathway provides easy access to the ocean

Why we should NOT widen the makai pathway and turn it into a shared-use path:

  • The proposed action will change the local character of the beach park

  • The proposed action will remove makai parking

  • The proposed action will remove open green spaces and replace with more concrete

  • Local families will no longer be able to set up their tents, picnic, and BBQ

  • A shared-use path with promote other commercial activities, such as Bikis and Segways

  • A shared-use path poses safety issues from wheeled vehicles (bicycles) colliding with the pedestrians

UPDATE: With the support of Council Members Ann Kobayahi and Carol Fukunaga, Ordinance 18-46 was enacted on December 21, 2018. This law protects the makai parking and prohibits widening the makai pathway and removing the makai grassy strip. This law is a result of the People’s voice and efforts—the Power of the People!