To all of you who have supported Ala Moana Beach Park for all these years through the first, second, and final drafts of the Environmental Impact Statement, Mālama Moana thanks you for the help, concern, and passion which you gave us to keep fighting the unwanted proposals for the Park!

As most of you already know, February 19th, 2020, was the day when the City Council decided unanimously to approve Amendment CD1 for Resolution 20-21 which took out 3 of the four remaining proposals in the Master Plan for Ala Moana that we fought against.  Those were the dog park, one acre playground, and perpendicular parking on the Ala Moana Park Drive.  Including the removal of makai parking and the widening of the sidewalk to create a shared use path, that makes 5 proposals taken out since 2015 through our speaking up about it and working together with the City Council by bringing the voices of the people to them.  Great job ALL including the groups that worked with us to emphasize the importance of taking these out!

The remaining proposal still in the plan is about the sand replenishment project that has not yet tested the sand to be dredged for contaminants even in the EIS process.  We are continuing our watch on this and will alert you all if there is anything that we can do as a group.  Since the Resolution Amendment included language stating that contaminant testing must be done before dredging the sand outside of the surf breaks and laying it on the beach, we are not as worried as we were before.  Despite the City saying they would not lay contaminated sand on the beach, the consulting firm Sea Engineering has repeatedly said there’s no need to have done or to do the testing even as of Feb. 6th after the Zoning Committee Meeting where the amendment was approved to be passed on to the Council.

Another thing we are watching out for is the contractor bidding for projects that were taken out.  We are watching to make sure they aren’t paying out for things that are no longer being done at the park.  Part of the whole thing was to not spend our taxpayer dollars on things that were not needed.  Certainly, paying for something not going to be done would come under that.  We’ll let you know, or tell us if you know first and we will look into it.

We had a wonderful wet, windy, and sunny Mahalo Rally on Feb. 29th from 8-12 pm at the Keyhole in Area 21 next to the tennis courts at Ala Moana Beach Park!  The Art Kalahiki Band and Danny and The Band Tantalus played wonderful music for us with Precision Sound providing the sound system!  Groups that joined us for the Rally were Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui, Protect Our Ala Wai Watersheds/Save Ala Wai Project, and Kamehameha Canoe Club.  Speakers from Friends of Kewalos also came to celebrate with us!  We had honored guests Council Members Ann Kobayashi, Ron Menor, and Carol Fukunaga and Director Michele Nekota from Parks and Rec join us and speak to those at the Rally.  We also had community leaders Ala Moana Kaka’ako Neighborhood Board Chair Ryan Tam and mayoral candidate Choon James speak as well.  Speakers from the Groups were:  Bruce Lum, Shar Chun-Lum, Dave Watase, and Teri Skillman.  Regrets and good wishes from those who were out of town such as Winston Welch from the Outdoor Circle or unable to attend due to other obligations were read at the Rally.  Cars and trucks parked along the Park Drive displayed signs and banners of our Mahalo and a number of signs were hung from tents as they waved in the wind.  A big mahalo to all who came and helped us pull this Rally off! 

We had a debrief meeting yesterday with our core group of Mālama Moana and decided to keep being a community group with this name for now and continue to watch out for Ala Moana Beach Park.  News may be less frequent, but when something is happening, you will hear about it through this email address.  Feel free to write me at and I will always reply.  FYI:  we signed hand written thank you cards and will be giving them to the City Council members tomorrow along with a Mālama Moana shirt now that all the commotion is over.  We also will present CM Ann Kobayashi with a Mahalo poster that many signed at the Mahalo Rally.  We are thanking her from all of us for helping save the People’s Park!

Much Aloha to you All,

Audrey Lee

City Council Meeting at City Hall

Resolution 20-21, CD1, was unanimously voted on by the City Council which took out the dog park, playground, and perpendicular parking along the Park Drive!  That makes 5 out of 6 concerns Malama Moana and other groups had for Ala Moana Beach Park that were taken out of the Master Plan.  The last remaining concern is the sand replenishment due to possible contaminated sand in the area to be dredged for the beach.  Safeguards to test the sand and other permitting cautions are in the amendment that was approved.  See the Power of the People here.

Zoning Committee Meeting where Resolution 20-21 was first introduced & Amendment CD1 was voted on 

A HUGE thank you to CM Ann Kobayashi for reworking the CD1 which took out 3 offending proposals in the SMA Use Permit Application and Resolution 20-21 before today's Zoning Meeting!

Also, HUGE thanks to Zoning Committee Chair Ron Menor for sending it out for adoption and to Zoning Committee Council Members Tommy Waters, Brandon Elefante, and Joey Manahan for supporting taking out the Dog Park/Playground/ Perpendicular Parking on Ala Moana Park Drive!

SMA Public Hearing

There were 54 people total who attended this hearing there 17 proposals in the SMA (not half a dozen, in case any reading this article start to wonder). The DPP will put together all concerns sent it to City Council to go over. The Council will decide what to do about all the concerns raised and then vote to accept or deny the application. They are planning to withdraw the playground proposal and put in an inclusive restroom instead which will be about 8'x8'.

For more information, check out this news article here.


IMPORTANT: SMA Public Hearing

Here’s your chance to TAKE ACTION! Please come & testify at the upcoming SMA Public Hearing!

* This is the ONE AND ONLY chance for the public to give testimony

  • What: Public Hearing for Special Management Area (SMA) Use Permit Application for Ala Moana Regional Park and Magic Island Improvements (view Permit Application and Appendix)

  • When: Wednesday, December 18 at 10:30 AM

  • Where: McCoy Pavilion

  • Wear: Red T-shirt

Resolution 19-263 Unanimously APPROVED!

MAHALO NUI to the 36+ individuals who came out to the City Council Meeting to support Resolution 19-263!!! There were 131 preliminary letters in support of the Resolution which was a huge factor in making the adoption of the Resolution possible (& still many additional letters that have not yet been posted). Mahalo for your support, encouragement, and hard work for the betterment of the community!

So, many asked, now what happens next?

NEXT, the SMA Use Permit Application is OUT.

What do we do with it?

1. Read it, take notes, ask questions, discuss with others, send your comments to

2. Be ready to attend and submit testimony to the open public forum for the SMA Use Permit Application

3. Write or talk with your City Council Member saying that you OPPOSE the SMA Use Permit Application for Ala Moana Beach Park

4. Spread the word with others!

Please stay tuned to how you can TAKE ACTION and support Resolution 19-263 for the upcoming City Council Meeting!

Check out Resolution 19-263 here.

You can support Resolution 19-263 in the upcoming City Council Meeting by:

  1. Attending the City Council Meeting on Wednesday, November 6th OR

  2. Submitting an online testimony here (we will let you know when submissions are open)

See below as a guide to submit an online testimony:

Screen Shot 2019-10-28 at 2.21.08 AM.png
  • Choose YES or NO if you wish to speak at the hearing.

  • Write your testimony (explaining why you support the Resolution) OR attach a document of your testimony

  • Check box to accept terms and agreement


MAHALO to everyone who showed their support for Ala Moana Beach Park at the Pop-Up Rally!

MAHALO for showing your support at the Pop-Up Rally! It was good to see those of you who continue to support this movement as well as meeting new supporters. Mahalo to the incredible musicians for performing and showing your support to keep the Park for the People, volunteers who helped make this event happen, and our guest speaks for sharing their mana'o with the community!

Special thanks to our friends for speaking:

Senator Sharon Moriwaki, City Council Members Carol Fukunaga and Heidi Tsuneyoshi, Ron Iwami from Friends of Kewalos, Winston Welch form the Outdoor Circle, Dave Watase from Ala Wai Project, Teri Skillman from the Kamehameha Canoe Club, Bob Kern from Friends of Hanauma Bay, and to the many other community leaders who spoke at the Rally!

Approved Resolution by Ala Moana Kaka'ako Neighborhood Board

#11 2019-10 Ala Moana Park Reso1024_1.jpg

Mahalo to everyone who came to the NB meeting and who stood up, clapped, and identified themselves as supporting a Resolution to be sent to the City Council. The Resolution states our concerns and provides possible solutions. It asks for reevaluation of the four project proposals. Bright red Malama Moana shirts dotted the crowd in the meeting room as well as outside by the windows and doors.


Your Voice Is Important! Please Call, Write, or Email Your City Council Member.

The Council encourages public attendance at all Council meetings. You are urged to express your concerns and opinions on any issue before the Council, and to keep your Council informed of other matters requiring attention and consideration.

Kymberly Marcos Pine

DISTRICT ONE: Portions of Ewa Villages and Ewa Beach, Kapolei, Makakilo, Kalaeloa, Honokai Hale, Ko Olina, Nanakuli, Ma'ili, Wai'anae, Makaha, Kea'au, Makua.

Phone: 808.768.5001 Email:

Heidi Tsuneyoshi

DISTRICT TWO: Mililani Mauka, Wahiawa, Mokuleia, Waialua, Haleiwa, Pupukea, Sunset Beach, Kahuku, Laie, Hauula, Punaluu, Kahana, Kaaawa, Kualoa, Waiahole, and Kahaluu.

Phone: 808.768.5002 Email:

Ikaika Anderson

DISTRICT THREE: Ahuimanu, Heeia, Haiku, Kaneohe, Maunawili, Kailua, Olomana, Enchanted Lake, and Waimanalo.

Phone: 808.768.5003 Email:

Tommy Waters

DISTRICT FOUR: Hawaii Kai, Kuliouou, Niu Valley, Aina Haina, Wailupe, Waialae-Iki, Kalani Valley, Kahala, Wilhemina Rise, Kaimuki, portions of Kapahulu, Diamond Head, Black Point, Waikiki, and Ala Moana Beach Park.

Phone: 808.768.5004 Email:

Ann Kobayashi

DISTRICT FIVE: Kaimuki, Palolo Valley, St. Louis Heights, Manoa, Moiliili, McCully, and portions of Ala Moana, Kakaako, and Makiki.

Phone: 808.768.5005 Email:

Carol Fukunaga

DISTRICT SIX: Portions of Makiki, Downtown Honolulu, Punchbowl, Pauoa Valley, Nuuanu, Alewa Heights, Papakolea, Fort Shafter, Moanalua, Halawa, Aiea, Kalihi Valley, and portions of Liliha and Kalihi.

Phone: 808.768.5006 Email:

Joey Manahan

DISTRICT SEVEN: Kalihi, lwilei, Kalihi Kai, Mapunapuna, Salt Lake, Aliamanu, Hickam, Foster Village, Ford Island, and Sand Island.

Phone: 808.768.5007 Email:

Brandon Elefante

DISTRICT EIGHT: Lower Aiea, Pearlridge, Waimalu, Newtown, Pearl City, Seaview, Crestview, Waipio Gentry and Waipahu.

Phone: 808.768.5008 Email:

Ron Menor

DISTRICT NINE: Waikele, Village Park, Royal Kunia, Mililani Town, West Loch, Iroquois Point, and portions of Ewa Villages and Ewa Beach.

Phone: 808.768.5009 Email:

August Update

  1. On August 6, 2019, Malama Moana and Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui sent out a letter to the Mayor that cited violations in the SDEIS for Ala Moana’s Master Plan. It was emailed to the Mayor and cc’d to approximately 20 officials in City, State, and Federal positions. It was also hand delivered by Shar of the Hui to the Mayor’s Office that day. This 11 page letter asked for a meeting with the Mayor to help provide solutions to rectify the violations committed in the SDEIS. Basically, without correction, the process is proving that it is indeed broken. As of this date, no reply has been sent or received from the Mayor’s Office.

  2. On August 7, 2019, the City Council had a meeting that included Resolution 19-160 which asks the city to prepare a third or new environmental impact statement for proposals not sufficiently covered in the first two draft environmental impact statements. Written testimony in support of a 3rd or additional study totaled 38 (actual) individuals and groups, opposition numbered at 3 individuals. Oral testimony had 9 individuals/groups speaking in support and one (Director Kroning) opposed. The Resolution was amended and adopted by the Council with 9 ayes, 3 with reservations, and 0 no’s.

  3. In the News for August 9th, Gina Mangieri did a piece on the EIS Redo and Land Transfer Open Window to Move Playground from Ala Moana to Kaka’ako.alksdjf

  4. On August 13th, respondents to the EIS drafts began receiving responses to their comments on the drafts through email and by posted mail.

  5. The Final EIS (FEIS) was published in the OEQC (Office of Environmental Quality Control) Bulletin on August 23rd. There are three volumes: Improvements (353 pp), Comments (964 pp), and Appendices (428 pp). We have 60 days from today to do whatever we can to stop this from going forward or the plan will proceed as described in the Final. Here is a link to the FEIS:

July Update

  1. On the heels of three consecutive protests in June, there was a City Council meeting on July 3, 2019 featuring Resolution 19-145, urging the Mayor and the City Administration to address the concerns of the affected communities regarding the Ala Wai Flood Risk Management Project and to consider and explore alternative plans that minimize impacts to area residents, schools, and other stakeholders. It is not just about the Ala Wai Project, it is about all of us. Although this does not directly relate to Ala Moana Beach Park, the island wide efforts being made on the part of groups like Ala Wai Project to elicit government cooperation have helped us all. This Resolution passed unanimously.

  2. On July 23, the Committee of Parks, Community Services, and Intergovernmental Affairs met and advanced Resolution 19-160 which asks the City Administration to prepare a Third Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for proposals not sufficiently covered in the previous Draft EIS. There were over 50 written testimonies and about a dozen oral testimonies in support.

  3. On July 24th, Mālama Moana had an organizational meeting and our name has changed officially (for now) to Mālama Moana Beach Park (Mālama Moana for short).

  4. On July 29, Shar Chun-Lum and Diane Fujimura from Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui spoke about the current status of Ala Moana Beach Park’s Master Plan on the cable network show, Think Tech Hawaii with Winston Welch from the Outdoor Circle. You can check out the video in the ‘Media’ page.

  5. On July 31st, four members of Mālama Moana Beach Park met with Council Member Tommy Waters who represents the Ala Moana Park district on July 31st to talk with him about the upcoming Final Environmental Impact Statement and other related matters. We look forward to a continued discussion.

  6. Following our meeting with CM Waters, Mālama Moana held a meeting with several groups regarding issues with the EIS and what we can do. It was an active and informative meeting with a greater understanding of what needs to be done.