August Update

  1. On August 6, 2019, Malama Moana and Save Ala Moana Beach Park Hui sent out a letter to the Mayor that cited violations in the SDEIS for Ala Moana’s Master Plan. It was emailed to the Mayor and cc’d to approximately 20 officials in City, State, and Federal positions. It was also hand delivered by Shar of the Hui to the Mayor’s Office that day. This 11 page letter asked for a meeting with the Mayor to help provide solutions to rectify the violations committed in the SDEIS. Basically, without correction, the process is proving that it is indeed broken. As of this date, no reply has been sent or received from the Mayor’s Office.

  2. On August 7, 2019, the City Council had a meeting that included Resolution 19-160 which asks the city to prepare a third or new environmental impact statement for proposals not sufficiently covered in the first two draft environmental impact statements. Written testimony in support of a 3rd or additional study totaled 38 (actual) individuals and groups, opposition numbered at 3 individuals. Oral testimony had 9 individuals/groups speaking in support and one (Director Kroning) opposed. The Resolution was amended and adopted by the Council with 9 ayes, 3 with reservations, and 0 no’s.

  3. In the News for August 9th, Gina Mangieri did a piece on the EIS Redo and Land Transfer Open Window to Move Playground from Ala Moana to Kaka’ako.alksdjf

  4. On August 13th, respondents to the EIS drafts began receiving responses to their comments on the drafts through email and by posted mail.

  5. The Final EIS (FEIS) was published in the OEQC (Office of Environmental Quality Control) Bulletin on August 23rd. There are three volumes: Improvements (353 pp), Comments (964 pp), and Appendices (428 pp). We have 60 days from today to do whatever we can to stop this from going forward or the plan will proceed as described in the Final. Here is a link to the FEIS: